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(602) 955-4242
Acupuncture Treats the Cause, Not the Symptom
The methods, ancient and modern, that I use in providing acupuncture for you
An ancient healing technique using very fine needles, thinner than a human hair, which are placed on various points on your body’s meridians to treat pain, disease or emotional issues. Asian medicine is rooted in the belief that health begins at the emotional level and, when not addressed at that level, then the problem rises to the physical level. That’s usually when people come to see me. The emotional issues include grief and sorrow, anger and impatience, fear, anxiety, depression, overthinking, overworking, stress, the ‘stuff’ of brief (sometimes longer) periods of everyone’s life.
Moxabustion is a healing heat treatment with an herb, often used on an acupuncture needle. It is especially comforting and comfortable.
An Asian type of moving meditation which treats the body, mind and spirit.A healing heat treatment with an herb, often used on an acupuncture needle. It is especially comforting and comfortable.
A Japanese style of meditative self-massage, using your meridians.
Using the subtle energy of sound and sound waves, I use tuning forks exclusively from Acutonics. (see my Links page).
This is an integration of the ancient wisdom, sacred geometry, Qabbalistic Tree of Life and the chakra system, as taught by Mikio Sankey. (see my Links page).
This is an option for treating the needle-shy patient, using high-powered magnets placed on precise acupuncture points, as taught by Danny Hom, L.Ac.
These are tiny gold or silver seeds taped to your ear, in place of auricular acupuncture, as a non-needle take-home treatment. Your friends will be so impressed by the ear jewelry sparkling in the sunlight, they’ll demand to know where you got something so nifty.
There are liniments for everything, for hot conditions, cold conditions, itchy situations, congestion, something for everyone.
These are semi-precious stones, most often used in my seasonal treatments, at the times of spring and fall equinox and summer and winter solstice.
Every color has its own healing energy. I use the color therapy modality according to Darius Dinshah, the internationally recognized authority on color spectrum treatments.
This is a Chinese type of massage, accomplished by the rubbing of the edge of a porcelain Chinese soup spoon or specially shaped semiprecious stone in a certain manner over your skin to resolve tight muscles, and stiff necks. It’s amazing how readily it works!
(on a special heated water table)
A unique, very gentle style of touch therapy. You won’t believe how good you feel after.
Chinese far-infrared heat lamps with a patented mineral disc of Chinese minerals for treating pain of arthritis, migraines, bumps and bruises and numerous serious illnesses.
A pampering facial treatment requiring separate of an acupuncturist, as taught by Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, L.Ac., using tiny needles handled by tweezers. (see my Links page)
Certification requires a year’s advanced training in an ancient Japanese style of acupuncture which includes non-needling techniques.
This was introduced many years ago by my long-time teacher from Japan, Kiiko Matsumoto, L.Ac. She has taught me so much over the years that no other teacher has ever addressed.
This tool was introduced to me long ago by, yet again, Kiiko Matsumoto
This is a specially designed small wooden hammer that is tapped on various places of the body, along with or in place of the use of needles, designed by the Japanese Doctor Manaka, the teacher of Kiiko Matsumoto.
A scar is never just on the surface, it is as deep as the scalpel blade went. A scar restricts skin, tendons, ligaments and muscle, and your blood and qi. Treatment will release the tightness and improve circulation, making you more comfortable and healthy.
Tel: (602) 955-4242
Sun City West and Sun City AZ
Office Hours
Mon - Wed Appointment Only
Thu - Sun Closed
All Rights Reserved | Patricia E. Martin PLLC